


01 Year in Focus

On the drawing board Global Energy Monitor
A daunting program International Energy Agency: Net Zero by 2050 Scenario International Energy Agency
Phasing out fossil-fuel use Net Zero Tracker


02 Power

Hail the sun Energy Institute: Statistical Review of World Energy, 2024 Data from the 2024 Statistical Review of World Energy with additional data analysis by Generation


03 Transportation

Lithium gets cheaper Bloomberg
Batteries get cheaper too BloombergNEF
Searching for an alternative Generation analysis of airline disclosures Generation has converted disclosures into metric tonnes where other units were used in airline disclosures


04 Buildings

Moving to the city World Bank


05 Industry


06 People, Land & Food

The yield gap Gerber, James S., Project Drawdown
Lagging investor interest Good Food Institute 2010 — 2022 data sourced from State of the industry report 2022 — plant based meat, seafood eggs and dairy’ and 2023 data source from GFI investing in alternative proteins website.
What’s destroying the world’s forests? Global Forest Watch


07 Financing the Transition


08 Looking Ahead

New industries, new jobs US Department of Energy


Generation Investment Management LLP would like to thank John Lang and Camilla Hyslop, of the organization Net Zero Tracker, for help in analysing the excellent data set that group has compiled. We thank Jonathan Foley and James Gerber of Project Drawdown for data and assistance in analysing the world’s agricultural yield gaps. Finally, we thank Chiara Delmastro of the International Energy Agency for help with data access, and we express our gratitude for the hard work of hundreds of employees in that organisation, the world’s foremost storehouse of knowledge about the energy markets.

Important information

This report has been prepared by Generation Investment Management LLP ('Generation') for discussion purposes only and reflects the views of Generation as at September 2024. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others without the consent of Generation.

The information presented herein is based on Generation’s analysis of publicly available data, is intended to present a global perspective on different areas that Generation believes represent a sustainable economy and should not be construed as investment research, advice or the making of any recommendation. References to any companies must not be construed as a recommendation to buy securities of such companies.

The jurisdictions and time periods presented herein may vary, as the data shown is what Generation used in its own assessment and believes to be the most complete view to support each identified area of sustainability and the associated trends. 2024 and other historic estimates made throughout the report were extrapolated from cited research and based on previous trends and known current data.

While the data is from sources Generation believes to be reliable, Generation makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the data. Generation shall not be responsible for amending, correcting, or updating any information or opinions contained herein, and we accept no liability for loss arising from the use of the information presented herein.